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11002 Rancho Carmel Dr
United States


The Best in non traditional advertising by DuranaDS. Products include:

Pizza Box Advertising
Door Hanger Campaigns
Hi Tech Advertising Beacons
500,000 Advertising Specialty Items

10 Creative Door Hanger Tips

10 Tips on how to make your door hanger campaign successful
Door hangers printed and delivered with gps reports

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ask us for a media kit

DuranAds always a step ahead…

DuranAds always a step ahead…

First and foremost use DuranAds… bet you didn’t see that coming LOL


  • Think of the front of your door hanger almost as an outdoor billboard - the back as a print ad.


  • Keep the front bold and simple - one big idea, one dominant picture with a 'call-to-action' selling line in 5-7 words or less.


  • Keep body copy on the front short and sweet.  Save details for the back.


  • Use bold lettering and bold colors with lots of white space.


  • Make the front so compelling, it motivates the consumer to turn it over to read the details.  


  • Make sure your offer is strong - genuinely appealing and unusual. 


  • Sweeten the deal with a premium that the consumer can receive by acting ASAP.  


  • Use a specialty feature, i.e., a scratch-off or response card, to heighten interest and encourage involvement.


  • Make it easy to respond: focus on one thing the consumer needs to do to fulfill the sale, i.e., make a quick phone call.


  • Prod the consum er to act now by setting a deadline.


  • CALL NOW 858-312-9505

10 Tips for a successful Door Hanger Campaign
